2021 First Quarter Mission Video: Prattville, Alabama


Church planting is one of the ways we advance the gospel of Jesus Christ together in Sovereign Grace. Church planting is also a glorious adventure for each location provides new opportunities to be creative, grow in grace, learn what serves the surrounding community and, ultimately, share the good news of Jesus Christ. While we definitely want to be employing church planting strategies, every method doesn't work the same in every place. Matt Turner's church in Prattville, Alabama (USA) is no different. Planting a church in the Bible Belt in the southern USA means that most people know about Jesus, attend church a few times a year and think they'll go to heaven. This provides unique challenges for Matt and his church.

Our first quarter Sovereign Grace Mission Video is a quick peek into what is happening through Sovereign Grace Church in Prattville. The gospel is being proclaimed through the members of the church in their everyday lives. And it's thrilling to hear about because they're faithfully sharing the life changing gospel with the lost.

Take time to watch. And consider giving to Sovereign Grace Churches to partner with the mission of local churches like Sovereign Grace Church in Prattville, Alabama.

Mark Prater