Interest Meetings at the Pastors Conference

If you’re attending the Pastors Conference Nov 1-3,

be sure to check out the interest meetings:

Tuesday, November 1st

1. Pastoral Ministry Interest Meeting & Reception
9:00pm - 10:30pm

For anyone interested in pursuing pastoral ministry.

Wednesday, November 2nd

1. Church Planting for Spanish Speaking areas

For those who have a desire to plant a Spanish-speaking SG church in the United States, those who have a number of Spanish speaking members, or those interested in our future Spanish-speaking church plants.

2. Small Towns Reception

For those who either minister in a small town or are interested in planting in a small town in the US. We will use this time to meet each other, hear about what God is doing in small towns across America, and make some plans for working together in the future.

3. Evangelism
2:00pm - 3:00pm

For anyone interested in furthering developing evangelism efforts in their local church.

4. Church Planting Interest Meeting

An overview of the ways Sovereign Grace seeks to serve both church planting candidates and local churches, we will cover a number of programs we offer (church planting pipeline, national assessments, Antioch program, cohorts, etc.).

5. Pastors College Interest Meeting

For anyone interested in attending the Pastors College or for churches interested in sending someone.