Latin American Emerging Leaders Retreat

This past week we had the joy of hosting in our sister church, Gracia Soberana de Guadalajara, in Guadalajara Mexico, a retreat for 13 Latin American leaders that have requested adoption by Sovereign Grace Churches, or have recently planted a church, or are in planning stages to plant a church in the near future.

The retreat was organized as a new initiative of the Latin American Fund to help move forward the process of church planting and church adoption in Latin America. Rich Richardson, Joselo Mercado and myself, planned this event as a context designed to expose participants to the values and virtues that have distinguished our rich history as a family of churches. We wanted to expose new and younger leaders to men with a very long history within Sovereign Grace who we encouraged to share from their personal decades-long experience. The general theme of the retreat was “Training Faithful Pastors for Decades”.

Carlos Contreras will be leading another initiative, the Fieles A Su Llamado Conference in Juarez, Mexico July 7-9, 2021. Please pray for the pastors and wives who will attend this conference from Mexico and throughout Latin America asking God to strengthen and encourage them.

Carlos Contreras is Regional Leader for Mexico and Senior Pastor of Gracia Soberana de Ciudad Juarez.

The full post Latin America Emerging Leaders Retreat originally appeared on the Emerging Nations blog on May 28, 2021. Emerging Nations exists to serve the pioneering work of Sovereign Grace Churches around the world.