New SGC Missions Website

When we think of Global Missions in Sovereign Grace Churches, we think about the great commission work of making and maturing disciples all around the world. (Matt 28)

It’s the privilege we have to represent Jesus as His ambassadors, and to take the glorious message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. And for us as a family of churches, in an overarching way, that means three things:

  • Church Planting: The work of establishing new congregations

  • Emerging Nations: The work of partnering in new places

  • Missionaries: The work of reaching new cultures

To help us in this great endeavor, I’m pleased to announce that our new ‘SGC Missions’ website has now been launched. There are still some additions coming to certain parts of the website, but there’s still plenty here for you to engage with and enjoy. 

I hope this website envisions you for our shared mission and encourages you to play your part... I’m so pleased that we get to do this together. We are so much better together!

What a privilege. What a message. What a Savior!

Dave Taylor is Director of Emerging Nations for Sovereign Grace Churches and serves as the lead pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Sydney, Australia.

The full post New SGC Missions Website originally appeared on the Emerging Nations blog on December 2, 2021. Emerging Nations exists to serve the pioneering work of Sovereign Grace Churches around the world.