Podcast Changes in 2025

In a recent vlog, Ben Kreps and Mark Prater, who co-host the Mark Prater Podcast shared the following five ways that the podcast will be changing in 2025.

  1. We want to devote an episode somewhat regularly to answering questions.

  2. We would like to hear what topics you would like us to address. We want to do that because as Ben mentioned last week, this podcast exists to serve the members and pastors of Sovereign Grace churches. And if it ever stops doing that, we'll cancel it. We'll shut this thing down because that's our desire to serve you.

  3. We've decided to choose some topics that might require a little bit more time and be more conversation between Ben and myself in format. So we've been trying to get into that 10 to 15 minute range in terms of length of time. We're not going to go much longer than that, but depending upon the topic, we might inch up above 15 minutes just so we can treat it fairly again, depending on what topic we do address. And I think on some of those topics, we want to be more conversational, meaning that I'm talking less than I normally do because Ben is talking as well. We're just having a conversation about the topic. So that's the third change that will be coming in 2025.

  4. We're going to continue to look for guests to join us.

  5. We are going to give occasional giveaways and we're going to approach that in some different ways. We might make it a competition. We might make it a first responder by using the form on the markkprater.com website. We're not sure yet, but we're going to do some giveaways throughout the year, so be listening for that.

For more information on the upcoming changes or to learn more about the Mark Prater Podcast, simply follow the link below.
