Por Su Gracia Conference


This weekend, I had the privilege of participating in a conference in Costa Rica with my friends Joselo Mercardo  (senior pastor, Iglesia Gracia Soberana de Gaithersburg) and Bob Donohue (senior pastor, Grace Community Church). It is good to be with these friends and
so encouraging to spend time with new ones.

Joselo preached on “The Gospel and the Word of God” at the conference in San Jose, Costa Rica. I thank God for Joselo’s passion for God’s Word. He also preached on “The Functional Centrality of the Gospel” and “The Gospel and the Family.”

We opened our Saturday morning session by Singing to Jesus at Por Su Gracia (Costa Rica).

It was a wonderful weekend, worshipping Jesus together despite our daily geographical distance. I look forward to the next time I can be with the brothers and sisters in Costa Rica.

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.