Sovereign Grace Journal (March 2023)

The church of Christ in many ways appears ordinary, weak, and unremarkable. Yet we know from God’s Word that the church is the most important institution in history, the greatest display of the wisdom and beauty of God in the world today, the focal point of God’s plan to save sinners, and the dearest place on earth. “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Eph. 5:25). God is passionate about his church, and he calls his people to share his passion.

The theme of this issue of the Sovereign Grace Journal is “A Passion for the Church.” Several articles focus on what particular books of the Bible contribute to our understanding of the church: Acts, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, and 1 Peter. Standard ecclesiology topics are covered, such as the marks of the church, the role of pastors and deacons, church membership, the importance of the Sunday gathering, and the mission of the church. We also selected less common topics that we were eager to address: singles and children in the church, ethnic harmony in the church, developing leaders, and more.

Jared Mellinger, Lead Pastor, Covenant Fellowship Church (Glen Mills, PA)

Reposted from the Sovereign Grace Journal, March 2023.