Sovereign Grace Journal: Our Shared Values

I am excited to let you know that the fourth edition of the Sovereign Grace Journal is here, devoted to our Seven Shared Values. These seven values shape who we are, helping to define how we do do life together in our local churches regardless of what nation our church is in. I am excited for you to read Jeff Purswell's article about the importance of our shared values and Mickey Connolly’s article about their purpose. And then the bulk of the journal are articles touching on our specific values. After working through each value, we asked some of our friends outside of the United States to talk about how the values work in their cultures. Abelardo Munoz talks about the seven shared values in Mexico, Christian Wegert from Germany, and Jeff Jo in the Philippines. Gary Ricucci then wrote an article about praying through the seven shared values. It's excellent. And per usual, Jeff did an excellent job with an article on resources to go with each of our shared values. Enjoy!