Sovereign Grace Publishing: Online Resources

Recently on the Mark Prater podcast, Mark shared about Sovereign Grace Publishing. Here is a clip from that conversation with Ben Kreps. The full podcast is linked below.

Why do we publish? We want to publish resources primarily to serve our churches. We want to have resources that can serve our members that they can benefit from. And there's several resources like the Journal that's been published and recent books that have been self-published by Sovereign Grace that serve our members. And we're developing right now, “Theo-Pastoral” resources sort of in the line of the old perspective series, if guys remember that who've been around for some time.

So right now Josh Blount is working on a complementarianism one, for example, and there's a book being worked on, on elder governance, and just why that defines our polity that way and has a chapter on Congregationalism to make the distinction between our polity and congregational polity. So those will serve, I think, those can serve our members, but they're written a little bit more theologically and we hope will serve our pastors as well. So that's the first reason.

The second reason is we want to publish resources because they do, if they're done well, they will endure over time. And so we're thinking about future generations in Sovereign Grace, not just the next couple of generations who will be pastors and members of our churches. We're thinking about those we'll never meet and we want those resources to continue to influence and shape them as we build gospel-centered churches that are marked by our shared values and our shaping virtues. So those are the two primary reasons that we publish and we think it's very, very important. And I'm very grateful for Jared's initiative because we've got a number of new resources up on our website.
