Redeeming Grace Church: 1st Quarter Sovereign Grace Mission Video

At our Pastors Conference last November I shared a burden that Sovereign Grace Churches would take prayerful risks to plant more churches especially in the United States. The 1st quarter Sovereign Grace Mission Video captures one story that illustrates how taking risks to plant a church leads to good gospel fruit. Living Hope Church in Middletown, PA took the prayerful risk and made the sacrifice of sending over 100 of their best to plant their first church, Redeeming Grace Church in Mechanicsburg, PA. On September 3, 2023, Redeeming Grace Church held its first service. What I love about this story is that it includes families who were at Living Hope for 20+ years and families living in Mechanicsburg who were praying for a local church like Redeeming Grace. In many ways, the story of this church plant is decades old even though the church hasn't even celebrated its first anniversary. 

This video gives you just a glimpse of the sacrifices made by many to start a new church, as well as how God is using their small beginnings to make a big impact. This church is truly walking in the good works God prepared for them. As you watch this video, rejoice with me in the good work of a shared mission in planting churches that preach the gospel. What a glorious God we serve!

Please consider giving to the Sovereign Grace Church Planting Fund. The prayers and the generosity of the members and friends of our churches will allow us to continue to plant churches in the United States and beyond.

Let us continue to plant churches to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ, all for His glory alone.

Mark Prater