Summer Youth Camp in Ethiopia

This summer we held a Youth Camp experience for 83 of our sponsored children in Ethiopia. The camp was organized by about 20 older teens and adult leaders from my home church - Covenant Fellowship in Pennsylvania - where a summer Youth Camp is an eagerly anticipated annual tradition. We asked the American team to give our sponsored teens a similar experience, with our in-country staff and church partners helping us adapt the Youth Camp concept for the Ethiopian context.

Throughout the 4-day camp, our sponsored kids participated in games and activities, enjoyed growing in relationship with one another, and encountered the Gospel daily in sermons, songs, and discussion groups. It was a beautiful expression of partnership as well, with about half the messages preached by visiting pastors from America and half by our Ethiopian partners. 

Please join me in praying that the Gospel seeds planted in our Ethiopian youth will bear much fruit in the months and years to come as lives are being changed for time and eternity.

Doug Hayes is the Executive Director of Covenant Mercies in Glen Mills, PA.