The Power of Prayer (Praying for Caleb Chase)

On April 21st, we posted this prayer request from Ryan Chase, an elder at Emmaus Road Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to pray for his son Caleb who suffers from a condition that results in his muscles and joints not working properly, and included Caleb’s inspiring conversion story:

April 18 was Caleb’s 10th birthday, and that is a huge milestone for us. His twin brother passed away at age 3, and we originally expected them both to live less than a year. Our short-term goal, and the focus of our prayers, has been getting Caleb to Florida next week. Since we can’t get him on a plane, we are planning to make the road trip April 23–30. It’s been Caleb’s dream to see the ocean and visit Disney World. We’re praying for his overall physical comfort; for relief from high fevers, high heart rates, and breathing difficulties; and for his physical strength to tolerate all that driving and sight-seeing.

A few weeks ago, we had the joy of hearing about dramatic answers to prayer!

Here’s an excerpt from Daniel and Heather Youtzy, members of Emmaus Road Church:

Words cannot express how overwhelming the response was to pray for Caleb. Many of you all reached out to Ryan and to others within Sovereign Grace to pray for Caleb's health. We are so unbelievably thankful for that! Only hours after you all joined us in prayer for Caleb, he began turning a corner. By the middle of the week of April 18, Caleb was doing great. His fever was gone, his heartrate was back to normal, and he was feeling like he normally does. God answered so many prayers and the Chase's were able to take Caleb to Disney World! He and their entire family had an absolute blast and Caleb hasn't stopped talking about it since returning home! We thank God for the ways that he answered prayers and the ways that those answers to prayer comfort our souls! We hope that your faith is encouraged. PRAYER IS POWERFUL!

From Ryan:

Thank you so much for inviting our Sovereign Grace family to pray for our son Caleb. We saw a significant change in his health right away and we were profoundly aware of God’s help through the prayers of his people. We made it to Florida and back without issue and had a wonderful time as a family. Caleb made special memories and had experiences we never dreamed possible for him when he was born. A few weeks ago, we were wondering if he was at the end of life, but since returning home, Caleb is doing much better than he had been for months. We continue to marvel at God’s kindness to us.

Thank you for praying!