Sovereign Grace Music: New Release
Unchanging God: Released March 2022
For centuries, the church has gathered to sing God’s Word back to him, especially the Psalms. That’s because the Psalms teach us that neither dark despair nor jubilant celebration is out of place when God’s people approach him. Through the Psalms we learn to tremble before God’s majestic holiness even as his steadfast love invites us to draw nearer. In every situation he is our refuge, shield, comfort, deliverer, and king. He is our unchanging God. And now, Jesus Christ has enabled us to sing the Psalms with a faith and joy that only the fully forgiven can experience.
We pray these songs we’ve written from the Psalms would lead you to gladly say with the Psalmist, “Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in your word” (Psalm 119:74).