Posts tagged Interview
Michael Reeves Interview from the Pastors College

Last month, we had the pleasure of welcoming Michael Reeves to the Pastors College to teach on the Reformation–our history, theological roots, and the profound implications of both upon our lives, ministries, and churches. Our expectations were high and Dr. Reeves exceeded those expectations.

Steve Bice, the pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Bellbrook, Ohio attended the course and was greatly affected.

 I took the week away from regular pastoral ministry, and my family, because I read that this class wouldn’t simply be a church history class, as wonderful as that would be, but a “why the reformation matters for pastoral ministry” kind of class. What I simply was not anticipating, however, was the intensely personal, emotional, and pastoral manner in which Dr. Reeves communicated the persons, struggles, beliefs, and teachings of the Reformation. I was often brought to tears and my heart was so warmed to the glories of the Trinity, the wonders of grace, and the wonderful gift of the scriptures. My personal walk with the Lord is refreshed. My preaching renewed. Various other aspects of pastoral ministry freshly informed. I’m so very grateful for the investment that our Pastors College makes in guys like me, and our churches, through such solid, biblical, pastorally-informed training. 

Weren’t able to join us? We recorded the entire week and are making the course in its entirety available to our pastors in the next few weeks.

Additionally, please enjoy this interview that Jeff did with Dr. Reeves. He covered everything from Reeves’ background to why the Reformation still matters for pastors.

Here is a timestamp list so you can easily locate topics covered.

We trust this will be a strength and encouragement to you.

Michael Reeves recently taught a week on the reformation in our pastors college. Here is an interview we did with him during that week.

As Director of Theology and Training for Sovereign Grace, Jeff Purswell is the Dean of our Pastors College, leads our theological training, and helps develop theological resources. He is also an elder at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. He and his wife, Julie, have two sons.