Posts tagged Meet the class
Meet the Class of 2019

Two weeks ago we kicked off the 21st year of the Sovereign Grace Pastors College. The beginning of the school year never becomes rote for us, and we are marveling yet again at the quality of students and their families sent to us by our churches. Thank you for investing in these families, and for entrusting them to us for the next 10 months! They are truly an expression of God’s kindness to Sovereign Grace.

This year, we have 11 students, ranging in age from 22-41. They come from 7 different churches in 6 states. It’s our most international class in a while—if you trace their country of origin, the men and their wives hail from 7 different nations and speak 7 different languages (British English being one of them). Let me introduce you to the class of 2019.


back row • Matt Turner – Pratville, AL • Drew Williams – Knoxville, TN • Ben Shaw – Louisville, KY • Nate McLaurin – Winona Lake, IN • Todd Santee – Aurora, CO

front row • Jon Bendo – Louisville, KY • Cale Benefield – Dayton, OH • Mark Waite – Dayton OH • Andres Contreras – Juarez, Mexico • Fengyu Ji – Louisville, KY • Karl Sauter – Juarez, Mexico

All of our labors and good intentions profit nothing without the Lord’s hand of blessing. Would you please join us as we pray for our students and their families? Here’s what we’re asking: that hunger for God and his word would be kindled and burn bright and continuous throughout the year, that marriages and families would be strengthened and find new life and joy and godliness, that minds would expand and grasp truth and its contours and relationships and implications, that a passion and faith for God’s purposes in the local church would be galvanized, that gifts for ministry would be discovered and sharpened and empowered, that dimensions of God’s calling would be discerned and vision for ministry clarified and inflamed, that teachers would be strengthened and sharpened and graced to teach their courses like never before—that in everything, every context and in every way, Christ would be magnified in every mind, heart, and life associated with the Pastors College. Thank you for your support.

As Director of Theology and Training for Sovereign Grace, Jeff Purswell is the Dean of our Pastors College, leads our theological training, and helps develop theological resources. He is also an elder at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville. He and his wife, Julie, have two sons.