Posts tagged a christ-centered people
Sovereign Grace Journal: Summer 2021
Original theological, practical, and devotional articles written by the pastors and members of Sovereign Grace Churches to strengthen your soul. The Journal also includes book reviews, resources and more.

Original theological, practical, and devotional articles written by the pastors and members of Sovereign Grace Churches to strengthen your soul. The Journal also includes book reviews, resources and more.

Introducing the 2nd edition of the Sovereign Grace Journal, "A Christ-Centered People," this issue is a treasure. In the introduction, I wrote: "The gospel, which shapes the culture in our family of churches, declares what Christ has accomplished for us through his death and resurrection. Based on the finished work of Jesus Christ that we receive by faith, we are a people who joyfully respond to this good news by walking in him, living for him, and staying centered on him. Colossians 2:6-7 says, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him.” Because the gospel is for all of life, there isn’t an area of our lives where we aren’t centered on Christ—whether that is parenting, politics, living the single life, or our involvement in missions. This edition of the journal speaks into each of these areas and more."

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church.