Posts tagged bookofchurchorder
HisWay Community Church (Prattsville, AL)

HisWay Community Church, a recent Sovereign Grace Church partnership and the first in Alabama is led by Matt Turner, a native of Prattsville, AL and a 2019 PC graduate. Matt felt a calling for many years to plant a church in his hometown with an established network of churches, but didn’t know much about Sovereign Grace except that he liked the music.

In the Spring of 2016, the Lord led me back to Sovereign Grace’s website. I was not sure what I was supposed to be looking for until I found SGC’s BCO. This document brought refreshment and excitement because in it I realized I found my family: in doctrine, in governance, and in missional strategy.   It was here that I saw that SGC was not merely a church planting network, but a family of churches that values Christ supremely, is serious about holiness, loves the local church and is passionately pursuing the spread of the gospel among the nations. With tears, I knew I found my family. 

Please pray for HisWay Community Church:

  • That God would help them find a facility that can serve the community and faithfully equip the saints for the work of ministry. 

  • For gospel transformation and local partnership in a city mired in religion but not yet set free by the power of the gospel.