Posts tagged civil disobedience
A Conversation About Civil Disobedience

Recently, Eric Turbedsky, Director of Church Planting and Jeff Purswell, Director of Theology, had a conversation about civil disobedience. While this certainly isn’t a new topic, it’s one that’s become a bit more frequent recently as we wrestle through more issues arising in 2020. I respect both Eric and Jeff and the ways they have thought through this topic. I hope that listening in serves you as you pray and consider how to best lead and serve your churches in the coming weeks and months. As you prayerfully consider your position on these things, let us take comfort in our God’s continued sovereign work in our lives.

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.