Posts tagged ethiopia
Advancing the Gospel in Ethiopia

I became a Christian in my early teenage years and quickly developed a love for God’s Word. While in Bible College, I sensed that the Lord was calling me to theological education in an African context. During my time in Seminary, that desire has only grown. I am excited to use my giftings in theology and teaching to serve this church plant in Ethiopia. Josh Pannell

On January 17, 2021, Josh Pannell and his family were sent out from Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville to join the newly planted Trinity Fellowship in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Josh will be working closely with Michael Granger, the lead pastor, in providing theological and original language assistance as well as developing future contexts for pastoral and theological training in the church. He will also be teaching two classes per semester at Evangelical Theological College and providing supplementary preaching and teaching at the church. 

To learn more about the Pannell’s and the church plant, please visit their website: Pannell Family Missions, see Michael Granger’s Feb 1, 2021 post Addis Ababa, A Church is Born on the Emerging Nations blog, and watch the video of Josh’s update before departing for Ethiopia.