Posts tagged the main thing
Revisiting The Cross Centered Life

Over the past few months, I’ve posted a series of articles that shaped our understanding of Biblical counseling, with more to come.  In the next two months, starting with this article, I will be highlighting books that shaped two of our shared values: complementarianism and gospel-centeredness - C.J. Mahaney’s The Cross Centered Life and Carolyn Mahaney’s Feminine AppealSeven Virtues of A Godly Wife and Mother.

Part of my motivation for reintroducing some of this older material has to do with the fact that I have only a few more months to serve as Director of Church Development, and there are certain things I want to make sure to leave behind.  I’m not indulging in a nostalgic longing for the past or a desire to return to “the good old days.”  Rather I have a sincere desire to make sure that those who have been around for a while don’t lose touch with this material and that those who are newer and those yet to come will benefit from these invaluable pieces of our history.

The Cross Centered Life is available in paperback, hardcover, as an ebook, and translated in Spanish. Order here or purchase through Sovereign Grace Churches by contacting

This post originally appeared on the SGC Church Development blog as A Rich Gospel History?? A Rich Gospel Future!!, on May 10, 2021.

Mickey Connolly is the Director of Church Development on the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches, the Mid-South Regional Leader, and serves as an elder at Crossway Community Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.