Posts tagged thedoctrineofgod
The Doctrine of God

Remember the former things of old; for I am God and there is no other;

I am God, and there is none like me…

Recently, Bill Patton preached a powerful message titled The Doctrine of God as part of a sermon series at Covenant Fellowship Church called We Believe: The Doctrine Driven Life. The series is teaching through sections of the Sovereign Grace Churches statement of faith: We Believe. Jared Mellinger, senior pastor, began the series with five reasons for teaching through the statement of faith: it reinforces our identity, guards us against wrong ideas, unites us around what is most important, helps us grow in maturity and produces a life of praise. We wanted to share Bill’s sermon on the doctrine of God in the hope to shape, educate and inspire you; producing a life of praise.

There is only one true and living God, who is infinite in being, power, and perfections. God is eternal, independent, and self-sufficient, having life in himself with no need for anyone or anything. (We Believe: A Statement of Faith p. 11)

Bill Patton is an elder and a founding pastor of Covenant Fellowship Church. He resides in West Chester, PA with his wife Sue. They have 5 children and many grandchildren.

Jared Mellinger is the senior pastor of Covenant Fellowship Church and serves on the Sovereign Grace Churches leadership team. He resides in Glen Mills, PA with his wife Meghan and their six children.