Posts tagged video
O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer

Just a couple of weeks ago, Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music, and the adult choir at Sovereign Grace Church Louisville, performed and recorded the song, “O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer.” This song is from our 2017 album, Prayers of the Saints [Live]. Inspiration for this song is taken from Psalms 19:1Psalms 71:19. May our prayers include the declarations of this song as we seek him in our ever changing culture–May all my days bring glory to His name. For song lyrics, chord charts, etc., please visit the song page here

Enjoy this rendition of the song!

Music and words by Nathan Stiff © 2017 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm worldwide at, excluding the UK & Europe which is adm by Integrity Music). From Prayers of the Saints Live. Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved. CCLI #7096627 Used by Permission.

A Thank You Video from Our Friends in the Philippines

Over the past few months, our global team has raised over $160,000 for the purpose of helping to provide food and water to nations where it has been more scarce due to COVID-19. One of our pastors in Cebu City, Philippines sent along this thank you video as an expression of gratitude to our Director of Emerging Nations, Dave Taylor, and all of those involved in donating money to provide food. Matthew 25:40 says, “‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Thank you to all who provided financially for these dear saints. May the gospel go forth in Cebu City with even greater force because of this generosity.

If you have a few minutes, please watch the video here: Amidst The Pandemic Your Love Is Relentless

And let us thank God for his work in all nations, with all people for His glory.

Preparing for Persecution

Mark Prater, Executive Director for Sovereign Grace Churches, recently recorded a vlog about preparing for cultural changes and persecution. As Mark states, “… Obviously we’re, you know guys here in the States, I think throughout the world, are seeing the cultural trend as it relates to sexual identity and sexual ethics. The abortion issue has been an issue for some time, not only in this nation, but, but many nations.

And now you’re seeing the Supreme Court rule on those issues in a way, at least for Christians is, disappointing. So I think, you know, the way I’m thinking about it is that I think pastors have to begin to think about how to prepare their members for persecution. I don’t think that’s an overreaction because of the cultural trends and even biblically speaking, if we’re going to live a godly life, we’re going to be persecuted. It says that in 2 Timothy 3:12, so persecution should be expected.”

You can watch the whole video below or visit his blog here.

Get updates: Mark Prater serves as Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches, a community of congregations built on strong c...

Leadership Team Retreat Update

Last week, the Leadership Team met over Zoom for their Spring retreat. Among the items on the agenda, they discussed church planting and how to prepare pastors for the current cultural and political climate. You can find out more by watching Mark Prater’s most recent vlog post or watching below.

Get updates: Mark Prater serves as Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Churches, a community of congregations built on strong c...

Mission Video: A Neighborhood Church

Sovereign Grace exists to advance the gospel by planting and strengthening churches throughout the world for the glory of God. For that reason, I’m excited to share with you one of our newest church plants, Sovereign Grace Church in Santa Ana, CA. Planted out of Sovereign Grace Church in Orange, CA, this small church plant is marked by a sacrificial servanthood that is committed to helping the lost in their neighborhood hear about Jesus. They are living out the Great Commission (Matt. 28) in a very real way as they seek to serve and care for their community.

This video is introduced by our recently appointed Director of Church Planting, Eric Turbedsky (Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church of Orange). I am so grateful for Eric’s heart for his local community, as well as seeing church’s planted in his surrounding area, throughout the United States and in other nations. He and Kyle Houlton (Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church of Santa Ana) are living out gospel partnership together and I’m excited to see how God uses them in Southern California.

Please take a few minutes to watch this video. And consider financially supporting Sovereign Grace. Opportunities like planting Kyle’s church requires money and resources. We are grateful for your consideration of partnering in our mission to advance the gospel through church planting. If you are interested in giving, you can find more information here.

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.