Posts tagged wellingup
Welling Up in the Philippines

An update from Emmanuel Iluzada, a Pastor of Cross Of Christ Salvation Gospel Ministries (CCSGM) in Kawit, Cavite, Philippines...

This pandemic has brought us both limitations and possibilities. And one of the things that has become possible is a gathering of around 100 worshippers from all locations in one virtual place. This transpired at the recent Worship Team Fellowship on July 24, when the worship team members from various churches in the Philippines came together online. 

Friends and fellow-Christians from various churches in Luzon, Vizayas and Mindanao (Philippines’ main islands) were invited, brought together, and connected via Zoom for a Saturday afternoon of teaching, prayer and fellowship. It was a chance to get to know each other and the ministries that each one of us does in our respective local churches. 

The full post SGC Philippines Worship Gathering appeared on the Emerging Nations Blog on September 3, 2021.