Posts tagged worship matters
Life Together Conference: Sept 2-4

Recently at the Life Together conference in Knoxville, about 200 pastors, musicians, and families gathered to worship through song, sit under the preached Word, and enjoy rich fellowship. CJ Mahaney, Jeff Purswell, Walt Alexander, Bob Kauflin and Devon Kauflin showed us through Scripture what God values when we meet each Sunday morning. We also had breakouts focused on personal worship, family worship, and life as worship.  

You may be wondering if Life Together: The Gathered Church is a conference for you. Yes! It will help you better understand why God calls us to gather each week. You’ll see how Sundays are meant to strengthen our desire to exalt our glorious God, treasure God’s Word, revel in the gospel, anticipate the presence of God’s Spirit, and grow in our love for the precious bride of Christ. We hope to see you there!

The next Life Together conference is in Glen Mills, PA at Covenant Fellowship, Sept. 2-4.