Posts tagged Grandparents
“Grandparenting with Grace” Book Review

I first read a review copy of Grandparenting With Grace about 18 months ago—a week after my wife and I learned my daughter Emma was pregnant with our first grandchild. Larry McCall’s new book gave me a vision for passing the gospel onto the next generation. Now, eighteen months later, I have two grandchildren with a third on the way. Life changes fast! And I am reading Grandparenting With Grace again. It’s that good.

If you are a grandparent, you need to read this book. Larry will inspire you and give you the tools you need to make an impact on your grandchildren’s lives. The book is organized into seven short, easy to read chapters followed by three to five questions for discussion. The chapter’s each end with ideas to help you apply what you’ve learned. For example, in Chapter Four, Intentional Grandparenting, Larry suggests writing out a “blessing” to speak over each of your grandchildren on a special occasion in the upcoming year. A great idea that is easy to do but one that could have a lasting impact on the life of a grandchild.

Larry shares ways to support parents in their job while giving grandparents a vision for the unique role God has for us to play. I especially appreciate Larry’s encouragement to become a praying grandparent. My wife’s grandfather Carl is credited with praying all of his grandchildren into the kingdom. Reading Grandparenting With Grace reminded me of that critical value.

Get a copy of this book, but don’t read it alone—go through it as a couple. Or better yet, invite a group of other grandparents from your church to join you in reading through this book together. Then spend time praying for each of your grandchildren. As grandparents, it is too easy to allow the “retirement years” to be all about taking it easy. It is important that we not miss the opportunity God has given us to pass gospel truth and godly example on to our grandchildren. Grandparenting with Grace will motivate you to want to make an impact and then give you the tools you need to make it happen.

Grandparenting with Grace is published by New Growth Press.

Marty Machowski currently serves as Executive Pastor of Covenant Fellowship in Glen Mills, PA. He is the author of Old Story NewLong Story ShortThe OlogyDragon Seed, and other books and curriculum for children and families and churches. Marty resides in West Chester with his wife, Lois. They have six children. You can find more about his books here.