Posts tagged give
The Reconciling Power of the Gospel

Sovereign Grace is a family of churches who partner together to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ by planting and strengthening churches throughout the world for the glory of God. As we advance the gospel together, we see it’s reconciling power as sinners are reconciled first to God. But we also see the reconciling power of the gospel as people from different races and ethnicities being reconciled to one another in Christ. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the dividing wall of hostility is broken down, and people from different ethnicities are made one in Christ (Ephesians 2:14-16).

I want you to see the Sovereign Grace 1st Quarter 2019 Mission Video because it captures the reconciling power of the gospel at Risen Hope Church (Drexel Hill, PA). Risen Hope was planted in 2016 in an area just outside of Philadelphia that is ethnically diverse. It is there that God has been drawing people from over 25 different ethnic groups and uniting them as one in Christ. Yes, there are differences. Those differences are providing a context for conversations, helping one another to see each other and see Christ. Through patience and gospel love, those differences are being used to strengthen the unity that the people of Risen Hope have in Christ.

As you watch this video, my prayer is that your faith in Christ and His reconciling power only deepens your devotion to advance the gospel in your community. Consider supporting our shared mission not only through prayer but also by giving to our shared mission. For more on how you can give, and what your money supports, please visit our give page.

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.

The Benefits of Gospel Partnership

There’s rarely a day that goes by where I don’t thank God for you and the gospel partnership we have in Sovereign Grace. Our shared mission to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ by planting and strengthening local churches throughout the world is a highlight in my daily work. And I love to share with you ways that our partnership is bringing more glory to God. In this end of the year mission video, two of our younger Senior Pastors discuss the impact that other Sovereign Grace Churches have had on them and their local church. What I want you to see and hear is how God allows us to support and strengthen one another through community and care even when we’re geographically far apart. These evidences of grace make our partnership all the more effective and enjoyable—a gift from God that is underserved.

Please watch this mission video and join me in expressing gratitude to God for one another and the partnership we enjoy. And consider financially supporting Sovereign Grace as our ministry opportunities are often many more than our funds allow. For more on how you can give and what your money supports, please visit our give page.

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.

Throughout the World

We say this often in Sovereign Grace: “church planting is in our DNA.” From our start nearly 40 years ago we have planted churches because we want people to hear the good news of the gospel. Currently, we are planting churches in:

  • Santa Ana, California

  • Zapresic, Croatia

  • Rogers, Arkansas

  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Frankford section)

Each of these locations is picked with one goal in mind: to see people worshipping Jesus everywhere. This is the vision that my friend, Stephen Bowne shares for his church plant in the Frankford section of Northeast Philadelphia in our first mission video for 2018. With the theme, “Throughout the World”, we wanted you to hear how God is using our small family of churches to do kingdom work. He’s using the members of our local churches to plant new churches, reach unbelievers, and disciple new Christians. As I say in this video, this isn’t really about what Sovereign Grace is doing. This video is simply an update of what God is doing through you, the members of our local churches in Sovereign Grace.

In the next two years, we also intend to plant churches in:

  • Wilmington, North Carolina

  • Salem, Massachusetts

  • Des Moines, Iowa

  • Kingston, Jamaica

  • Sao Paulo, Brazil

  • Newark, Delaware

  • Sydney, Australia

You will hear more about these church plants in the coming months. But, in the meantime, please pray. Pray that God would establish these churches. Pray that he would provide strong launch teams. Pray that the gospel would be a light through these churches in the neighborhoods where they are established.

And take time to watch the mission video below. Without you, without your participation, without your prayers, without your financial support of Sovereign Grace, ventures like this would not be possible. We have more gospel opportunities than we can fund. So if you are not currently giving to Sovereign Grace, please consider a financial donation via our give page. You can choose how your donation is applied so please take time to consider those options.

We, the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace, “give thanks to God always for all of you” (1 Thess 1:2). Thank you for being church members who love Jesus and his gospel. Thank you for loving unbelievers and sharing the hope of the gospel in dark places. Thank you for making it financially possible to plant churches. We thank God for you.

If you are interested in further information on the mission of Sovereign Grace, we have an electronic copy of our mission fund booklet posted here.

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.