Posts tagged Delaware
Mission Video: Redeemer Fellowship (Newark, DE)

Among our 7 Shared Values is the value of “ Church Planting, Outreach and Global Mission.” It states: “Our gospel-centrality entails no only treasuring the gospel personally but sharing it passionately. The risen Christ commissioned His church to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). We believe that commission falls to us and to all believers and that it is fulfilled in a primary way through church planting, whereby the gospel is proclaimed and converts are formed into communities of disciples (Acts 2:21-47; 14:23).” It’s woven into our DNA—we are always thinking about church planting because we are committed to this glorious shared mission.

In the fall of 2018, one of our local churches, Covenant Fellowship Church, planted a church about 45 min away in Newark, DE. Redeemer Fellowship started with 27 adults and has since grown. Our newest mission video tells the story of Colby who was born again because Redeemer Fellowship was faithful to warmly welcome him, and share the gospel with him. When you watch, be reminded that while this is the work of Christ alone, he used the care and labors of gospel loving people to passionately proclaim the name of Christ. I hope your heart will be stirred towards gospel mission!

We are grateful for every opportunity to reach the lost. May we all be reminded that our world needs to hear the hope of the gospel. May we be reminded that we are surrounded by Colby’s who are impacted by simple greetings and the care of patient listening. And may we be reminded that Christ has always at work around us, in us and through us. What a glorious Savior! What a glorious mission!

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.

Throughout the World

We say this often in Sovereign Grace: “church planting is in our DNA.” From our start nearly 40 years ago we have planted churches because we want people to hear the good news of the gospel. Currently, we are planting churches in:

  • Santa Ana, California

  • Zapresic, Croatia

  • Rogers, Arkansas

  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Frankford section)

Each of these locations is picked with one goal in mind: to see people worshipping Jesus everywhere. This is the vision that my friend, Stephen Bowne shares for his church plant in the Frankford section of Northeast Philadelphia in our first mission video for 2018. With the theme, “Throughout the World”, we wanted you to hear how God is using our small family of churches to do kingdom work. He’s using the members of our local churches to plant new churches, reach unbelievers, and disciple new Christians. As I say in this video, this isn’t really about what Sovereign Grace is doing. This video is simply an update of what God is doing through you, the members of our local churches in Sovereign Grace.

In the next two years, we also intend to plant churches in:

  • Wilmington, North Carolina

  • Salem, Massachusetts

  • Des Moines, Iowa

  • Kingston, Jamaica

  • Sao Paulo, Brazil

  • Newark, Delaware

  • Sydney, Australia

You will hear more about these church plants in the coming months. But, in the meantime, please pray. Pray that God would establish these churches. Pray that he would provide strong launch teams. Pray that the gospel would be a light through these churches in the neighborhoods where they are established.

And take time to watch the mission video below. Without you, without your participation, without your prayers, without your financial support of Sovereign Grace, ventures like this would not be possible. We have more gospel opportunities than we can fund. So if you are not currently giving to Sovereign Grace, please consider a financial donation via our give page. You can choose how your donation is applied so please take time to consider those options.

We, the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace, “give thanks to God always for all of you” (1 Thess 1:2). Thank you for being church members who love Jesus and his gospel. Thank you for loving unbelievers and sharing the hope of the gospel in dark places. Thank you for making it financially possible to plant churches. We thank God for you.

If you are interested in further information on the mission of Sovereign Grace, we have an electronic copy of our mission fund booklet posted here.

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.